Monday, April 20, 2009

Ch. 10 Informing also....

 In this chapter it talks about informing, but it is more focused on analyzing text. It talks about keys to writing analysis such as: rhetorical visual ad literary. It also talks back how to write an effective analysis. There were great stories in hear that demonstrated effectiveness. my favorite story was Straight from the Heart.

Informing Ch. 9

the next two blogs will be about the same topics informing. That is just a word for making others aware. So, since i do not want to write about the same thing twice i just decided to write abotu a story from chapter 9.
A Ticket to Work...or A Ticket OUt

This article talks about how writing is an essential skill in the professional world. This is written to a general audience telling about how important it is to know how to write. The author is trying to explain the without writing skills you will not be able to make it in the business world. In doing this the author starts off saying that a survey of 120 American corporations was surveyed. This article is supported with several survey findings. The article used specific numbers and statics that they found from the survey findings .

            The author of this article did a very good of making it clear that without a job you cannot have a good job. All fields of work now require that you must have more than just the common basic writing skills you need to be a little above average. Writing is an essential skill that most people do not posses, but it is greatly needed. The authors does a great job pointing this out by giving the survey to a lot of the huge American cooperation and then taking that survey and showing how much writing break or make a person. The introduction really did not catch my attention at first but once I kept reading it started to make sense. The organization of the article is good and well put together. The ending was not as good as I thought it could be, but the article as a whole flowed well about it.

            I felt that the article as a whole was good. I believe that writing is an important factor in the professional world. I feel that without writing you will not be able to reach your full potential in life. The thing that people fail to realize is that most of the time you write the way you speak and all people do not speak grammatical correct. I believe that having the knowledge of common writing is a skill that will help people in the future careers and throughout life generally. overall I believe that writing will always be a key factor in the American business corporation.

reflection #3

This blog is about my observation. In my observation i wrote about my dog and how i notice he picked up alot of human traits. i wrote bout how animals are humans expect for they walk on four legs. There really was not much for me to say because for some odd reason i kept getting writer block i do not know if it was because i was unable to focus because of things with my grandmother or what but for some odd reason i just could not figure things out. Man i am really wishing on a star..... 

Wednesday, February 4, 2009

REFLECTION on MY first assignment, the Literacy Narrative

Let me see where should I begin. Oh i know exactly where; let me start with hem she first gave us the assignment. When Mrs. Weber first gave the Literacy Narrative assignment i was pumped because i knew exactly what i wanted to write about. When i actuallyread the requirements for the assignment i was then stumped. What i thought we would be doing was completely different for what she expected. I thought we would be telling a story, but she wanted us to tell how we related to literacy. I did not know how to make my relationship to reading and writing interesting. So for a whole day i just sat and thought about what i could come up with to say. Then I had my first idea! Start off by telling how my great-grandmother could not read, but as i got started with that idea it began to become weak more and more as i went on. That was a complete waste of time me sitting there thinking about how me talking about my grandmother would be interesting. I had dreaw a blank, i did not know where to end let alone begin, there i was stuck with nothing to write about.

Then I went back to look at the assignment sheet again and i came across this topic:"- a person who helped you become the learner, writer, reader you are today." That is when i realized that my granny is the perfect person for my story. my grandmother is part Indian and she did not graduate past the third grade. She barely knew how to read or write. her reading and writing skills were what we would call the "bases of writing". What are the "bases of writing" you might ask, well to my knowledge it is what you learn in first through the third grade; making sure your name is written straight and making sure you can spell the basic word. The little knowledge that my grandmother had was helpful to me but it did not benefit her at all.

Wednesday, January 21, 2009

Chapter 1-4

Today in class Mrs. Dani told us to write a blog about what we thought about chapter 1-4. Personally, i thought that it was a good reintroduction to the bases of writing. the author talked about brainstroming (prewriting), writing, and proofreading (rewriting). I really found this book very easy to read; I thik that the points that the authour makes in the book are very important. I like the fact how he touched on how writing is not something that you can do from one stand point. In order to determine wether writing is good or bad you must look at your topics from different perspectives (stances). The activity that we did in class was pretty neat; to be perfectly honest this is my first interactive English class.
Now, that I have gotten off topic i guess its time to get back to the matter at hand. So, back to this book I really did get a beter understanding of how i should approach a paper. I feel like that if you use the techniques in the book and listen to the teacher that you will be a master at paper writing. Im going to be completely honest i do not know what else to write about because I feel that I have told you what I learned. So I guess this is the end of my FIRST blog. I hope that i did this right. LOL